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The Tale of Five Inconveniences

It is the evening before the Christmas break and a few strangers are planning a trip to recharge and reset for the new year.

Winter is coming to the north, and snow is falling silently and blanketing the walkway as it gets colder. There is a sense of calm and quiet inside her house due to the crackling wood and music from the record player. As Ms Ava Ying looks over a large pile of things needing to be bundled into a bag before 12:00, she realises that it is anything but.

Travel is her passion. However, no matter the location, she loathes packing the most. Her wardrobe opens up new levels of dread as she hopes for a miracle and battles indecision. Her mind goes back and forth with a slew of what-ifs. "I tried everything to make it more enjoyable - music on loud to make it more enjoyable, lists to make things more organised or even watching Marie Kondo on how to pack most efficiently. Nothing works!" she complains. All she has in front is a heap of bags and clothes and accessories and essentials strewn all over her bed as she breaks into a karaoke session while dancing to the music. Every time, procrastination beats packing.

Even after it gets done hours, if not days later, she carries it across the airport proud of what she has done. Something else was in the works. The zipper of the bag went across faster than a slingshot, only to get stuck. What was the point of it all? "I wish someone could understand how hard it is for someone like me to pack and organise luggage." She stated, "Therefore I can only try to find a solution that will get my bag to its destination in one piece with everything in it.”

A few hours from Ava, Mr Nell T. Strame is focused on the most important aspect of planning trips: finding movies and downloading them well in advance so that you can enjoy the flight as much as you can. The time it took to do this exercise was more than the time it would take to create some movies. To satisfy his sci-fi craving, he visits the nearest DVD store. "The entire process was arduous due to limited choices and little time to watch," he explains. But he would still scour aisles, scanning top to bottom in every genre, only to find he owed a fine for renting a DVD a week ago. The frustrated man walks out, trying to concentrate solely on his trip.

In the vicinity of the DVD store, Arin B. Noble could replace a tour guide, since he will research and research and research, whenever he planned a trip. As such, he has always taken it upon himself to read as much as possible about the area he plans to visit, making it easier for him to choose. However, a trip planning process always encounters one problem - accommodation. In the best of times, this one can be a pain. In addition to reading guides, he asks friends and family for suggestions. "Travelling by yourself has only two possible outcomes - cheap with questionable security or spending your entire budget at a great hotel." summing it all up. One alternative that is less popular would be staying at a local’s place with a mattress as a plan of stay. Although it saves money and gives the most authentic experience, standards can be off. Packing his things, he hoped for the best and decided to find a stay on landing instead.

A few cities away, following a long season of sports, Niel Kenimann was eagerly anticipating a break. Taking a break and relaxing was just what he needed. “Before you return to the track, run where the sky is clear and enjoy yourself.” Coach booked him on the trip and expected him to take a well-earned break before starting afresh motivating Niel to enjoy. When he reaches his destination, he sees a certain Mr W. Stander throwing a fit because his bag was open and items were missing. Especially, it was a pair of rare and vintage Gucci glasses. The fact that nothing could really be done was heartbreaking. But Niel also thought to himself about why glasses were so expensive in the first place.

Each of them started from a different direction to reach their vacation venue. To ensure that their vacation was unforgettable, they did everything they could to know it would be. But most importantly, they realized, as they sat on the beach in the warm sun, that there were more and more opportunities for change that arise every day.

Not every Eureka moment happens in a garage. Some are born in moments of personal struggles doing ordinary things which direct to a need that is faced by more than one. The founders of five of the most disruptive businesses - Airbnb, Netflix, Away, Nike, and Warby Parker - faced similar challenges. In conclusion, in order to empathize with the consumer, starting with yourself is a good starting point.


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